Statistical Tables

San Francisco Home Sales Surge in August

Trends at a Glance
(Single-family Homes)
  Aug 09 Jul 09 Aug 08
Home Sales: 288 239 195
Median Price: $625,250 $785,000 $845,000
Average Price: $789,408 $1,029,159 $1,126,614
Sale/List Price Ratio: 99.2% 98.4% 99.9%
Days on Market: 57 61 56
  Aug 09 Jul 09 Aug 08
Condo Sales: 207 213 198
Median Price: $632,000 $619,655 $725,000
Average Price: $752,528 $714,616 $835,122
Sale/List Price Ratio: 97.6% 97.8% 100.2%
Days on Market: 82 85 69

Sales of single-family, re-sale homes jumped 20.5% in August compared to July. Home sales were also up 47.7% year-over-year. This is the second month in a row home sales have been higher than the year before. Year-to-date, home sales are down 4%.

Condo sales, on the other hand, were down 2.8% month-over-month, but up 4.5% compared to August 2008. This is the first time year-over-year sales were up since October 2007. Year-to-date, condo sales are off 26.4%.

The median price for single-family homes fell sharply last month after rising four months in a row. The median price dropped 20.4% from July, and was down 26% year-over-year. The average price dropped 23.3% month-over-month, and was down 29.9% compared to last August.

The median price for loft/condos in San Francisco rose 2% from July, but was down 12.8% year-over-year. The average price gained 5.3% month-over-month, but was off 9.9% year-over-year.


Sales price to list price ratios for single-family homes rose 0.8 points to 99.2%. The ratio for condos lost 0.2 of a point to 97.6%. The graph below shows the sales price to list price ratio as reported at sale compared to the sales price to original list price ratio.

The following chart shows the median price difference compared to the year before.

Days on market for homes lost four days to 57 days. For condos, days on market dropped three days to 82 days.

The real estate market is very hard to generalize. It is a market made up of many micro markets. For complete information on a particular neighborhood or property, or for an evaluation of your home's worth, call me.

If I can help you devise a strategy, call or click the buying or selling link in the menu to the left.

Monthly Statistics

Complete monthly sales statistics for San Francisco are below. Monthly graphs are available for each district in the city by clicking the links to the left.

August Sales Statistics
(Single-family Homes)
  Prices Unit     Change from last year
  Median Average Sales DOM SP/LP Median Average Sales
San Francisco $625,250 $789,408 288 57 75.2% -26.0% -29.9% 47.7%
D1: Northwest $999,950 $1,431,306 16 87 91.1% -21.8% 9.8% 100.0%
D2: Central West $716,500 $745,480 38 37 101.6% -11.3% -12.6% -2.6%
D3: Southwest $557,500 $580,067 20 45 104.7% -14.2% -16.8% 17.6%
D4: Twin Peaks $806,000 $960,918 28 80 93.4% -12.6% -5.7% 27.3%
D5: Central $1,375,000 $1,426,694 17 57 96.7% 6.6% -2.3% -51.4%
D6: Central North $915,000 $915,000 2 56 90.4% -53.9% -50.7% -33.3%
D7: North $2,300,000 $2,575,700 10 69 95.0% -31.9% -25.5% 0.0%
D8: Northeast $4,500,000 $4,500,000 1 84 75.1% 7.5% 23.0% -75.0%
D9: Central East $766,000 $727,112 17 55 97.0% -1.3% -6.7% -5.6%
D10: Southeast $508,000 $495,017 53 47 100.4% -3.2% -11.6% 35.9%


August Sales Statistics
  Prices Unit     Change from last year
  Median Average Sales DOM SP/LP Median Average Sales
San Francisco $632,000 $752,528 207 82 97.6% -12.8% -9.9% 4.5%
D1: Northwest $656,250 $725,150 10 73 99.6% -19.0% -17.2% 11.1%
D2: Central West $600,000 $585,000 3 43 97.6% -33.3% -35.0% 200.0%
D3: Southwest $285,000 $305,000 3 57 104.6% n/a n/a n/a
D4: Twin Peaks $575,000 $575,000 1 94 96.6% -17.9% -15.2% -80.0%
D5: Central $742,500 $775,157 28 80 98.2% -10.5% -15.4% -28.2%
D6: Central North $730,000 $771,517 24 69 98.8% 1.4% 3.0% 4.3%
D7: North $830,750 $881,219 16 64 98.5% -14.8% -31.7% -27.3%
D8: Northeast $767,000 $1,127,083 36 99 96.3% 14.5% 36.9% 38.5%
D9: Central East $580,000 $676,062 59 97 97.0% -9.4% -2.7% -16.9%
D10: Southeast $341,000 $352,562 8 58 103.4% -35.4% -33.2% 300.0%