Rick@rereport.com | Call: 1-760-776-4056 | Country : USA  
Real Estate Market Trends Reports

Super Charge Your Marketing!

The Dynamic On-line Report

The Market Trends Report provides you, the REALTOR®, with local real estate statistics you can send to clients/prospects each month. We have automated the process so all you have to do is upload your contacts into the back office.

Monthly Updates to The Report

Each month a Market Trends Report email gets sent out. A second email is also available for your listing clients/prospects. It's the Recent Sales & Listings Report showing was has sold and what is listed around a particular address. Keeping in touch with your clients/prospects regularly with pertinent information is necessary to be successful in real estate.

Personalized Market Trends Reports

Personalized Real Estate Market Trends Reports are available on a monthly or an annual subscription. The Report will be published to a separate Internet address that you can link to from your web site.
The cost for a subscription includes:
1. the dynamic on-line report,
2. monthly updates to the report, and
3. a monthly, 4-page printable edition of the report, plus

4. the Annual Report, a printable summary city-by-city produced in January.

Clients Testimonials


Northern California

Southern California

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